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What factors affect the inverse value of the line?

What factors affect the inverse value of the line?


2018-04-10 China road marking.

What is the inverse value?

Road signs as an important part of traffic safety facilities play an irreplaceable role, and other products through the lines, color to distinguish the lane and road profile during the day, night by light irradiation after line by line appeared reflected back into the lane and road contour, can take the role of active protection, image by people called lifeline in road safety.

Among them, the light of the headlights is reflected back to the driver's field of view, which is called "line inversion" or "line regression reflection", and the intensity of reflection is the inverse reflection value.

The larger the inverse value, the longer the road section of the line shows, the farther the driver's horizon is, and the relative safety of the vehicle.



The factors that affect the inverse value of the line.

Selection of glass beads.

1. The forming rate of glass beads.

The circular rate directly affects the return reflection ability of the line. In other conditions, the higher the round rate of the glass beads, the better the reflection effect of the line, and vice versa.

Below is round rate difference with round rate of two kinds of glass beads on the back reflection effect difference comparison, as can be seen from the figure is close to ideal sphere of glass beads can form good regression reflection, and irregular glass beads may cause many times without direction of the light refraction after will be a big part of the light loss, unable to form a good regression reflection.



2. Refractive index of glass beads.

The higher the refractive index, the better the reflection effect.

Used in road marking glass bead refractive index in our country at present stage generally at about 1.50, and mark reflective membrane using glass beads are generally 1.90 above, from signs and lines in the evening we can directly see the difference between the brightness.

3. Transparency of glass beads.

The higher the transparency of the glass bead, the less impurities, the less energy the light will lose when it is reflected in the glass bead, the better the reflection will be.

4. The bonding of glass beads and paint.

The closer glass bead and paint, marking the last glance, the better, on the contrary, if the glass bead and paint is not too good, glass bead falls off easily, while the new construction of line back reflection values can meet the requirements, but in use after a period of time, back reflection numerical damping particularly fast, lead to poor marking reflective (not light).

To be continued!


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Add: Science & Technology Industrial Park of Shanggao County, Jiangxi Province, China.